[UPDATE] M.Pire Haru Twitter: Shinhwa (230314)

이민우선배님 좋은말씀 감사합니다. 선배님말처럼 언제나 힘내는 엠파이어 되겠습니다. 10월에 나온다는 신화선배님들 앨범도 기대되요~!! 오늘 콘서트 최고입니다^___^ pic.twitter.com/DT1xfuewkT

Mpire Haru twitter


Thank you Lee Min Woo senior for your kind words. As per senior’s words, we will become the Empire that always hangs in there. Also looking forward to Shinhwa seniors’ album that will be released in October~!! Today’s concert is the best ^___^ 

Terima kasih senior Lee Minwoo atas nasehatnya. Sesuai nasehat senior, kami akan menjadi M.Pire yang selalu berjuang. Juga menantikan album senior Shinhwa yang akan dirilis Oktober~!! Konser hari ini yang terbaik

전 오늘 신화선배님들 콘서트 다녀왔습니다. 16주년 콘서트진심으로 축하드려요 선배님~! pic.twitter.com/WkFCyeZPUK


I went for Shinhwa seniors’ concert today. My sincere congratulations on the 16th anni concert, seniors~!

Hari ini aku pergi ke konser senior Shinhwa. Mengucapkan selamat dengan tulus untuk konser 16 tahun, senior~!

Cr: M.pire Haru twitter + Minnovated (eng)

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